Since January, things have been slowing down and, until the 19th, it looks like the focus will be on the domestic side of life or the private base of operations. You may want to improve things at home, or your work set-up, or help someone with theirs. You will be more concerned with your foundations and your emotional roots and there may be more focus on family or extended family. Your private environment may become chattier and busier, and could be a meeting place or you are more the visitor in someone else's. You should be feeling sociable within your community with more comings and goings likely. At home you may be busier over the wires. These connections and short trips out and about will be enjoyable for the most part and you should really appreciate the beauty in your surroundings.
Venus has been helping the cash flow or the acquisition of properties big or small since late January. Venus in your communications sector from the 4th is helping you to be more articulate and persuasive, smoothing the path and helping to iron out any differences with others. This is good news for arty Scorpios as Venus here will enliven creative self-expression. But also good for sales and promotions and negotiation situations.
Garland Home
The Solar eclipse in January will continue allow for new beginnings in this area. Great for making new connections, educational pursuits, short distance travel and media and promotions.
Until the 23rd Mars is livening things up right in your own back yard. Things are likely to be busy at home and in the surrounding community and physical effort goes into getting things done. You'll have more energy for DIY or other improvements related to home and may want to take the initiative with projects which, you think, will improve things and may add to your sense of security. However you could be feeling extra sensitive at times, and there may be conflict with family or those in the community as you tend not to have as much patience as usual and want to push ahead with things.
Until 2012, Saturn will continue to help you come to terms with the past and lay old skeletons to rest and during this phase you may be squaring up to some home truths and realize you tend to shoot yourself in the foot at critical moments.
Happily, Jupiter is bringing new opportunities in the employment sector until mid-year. You'll have more enthusiasm for your daily routines and probably develop new skills. Benefits could come through co-workers and others tend to recognize your skills and abilities and appreciate your contribution. Work opportunities flow in your direction more easily during this phase and you should avoid taking on too much or grabbing the first thing that comes along as Jupiter tends to bring abundance wherever it goes and you'll have a wider range of options to choose from. Another advantage is that Jupiter is more likely to bring the right helpers for your health and wellbeing. Avoid being too zealous about your way of doing things or overstretching your energies from the 21st.
From the 23rd you will enter a phase which is more spontaneous and creative and which allows more access to entertaining activities. You may also be involved in providing entertainments for others. You'll be feeling less serious and more self indulgent taking time to smell the roses along the way or socializing more. Romance could be a feature and anything loosely classed as 'leisure pursuits'. You'll be feeling bolder and more competitive and willing to take a gamble or invest in something. Careful not to burn the candle at both ends though. More contact with children likely over this 6 weeks.
Scorpio Horoscope for February 2011
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