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Thursday, December 1, 2011

Capricorn Horoscope For September 2010

An expansive time when you are learning new things and thinking outside of the box. You are turning your thoughts outward and not being so stuck in your hopes and fears now. You may be realizing there's a big world filled with great possibilities out there, and so you may as well jump right in! You could be feeling that prayers can be answered or maybe you are discovering a greater meaning to your life or are becoming interested in a new body of knowledge. Anyway round, you'll tend to think bigger now. The energies will help you to learn new concepts and put them to work - try them out. Also, you may be consulted by others for your knowledge or wisdom. This is a period when you can get things in perspective and see the bigger picture.

Some of you may have more contact with those at a distance or be travelling. In some way, you'll be dealing with an unfamiliar mental or physical territory.

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Until mid-month Mars is revving up your ambition to reach for the highest, to do well and present yourself in the best light to others and you will put energy into creating or maintaining your position in the world, or your standing in the eyes of others. So you want to project competency and consistency and drive.

Venus is helping you with this until the 9th as those who can help you climb the ladder of success will be supportive to your aims. From the 9th, social gatherings will be warm and friendly and you could meet intriguing people or unconventional situation during the months Venus is in this part of your solar chart.

When Mars moves mid-month, teaming up and pulling with others will be the name of the game. You could find yourself volunteered into the sort of position where others look to you for advice or direction. You may be getting busy keeping to the schedule imposed by others but this is a progressive, interesting time when you can begin to feel like you're getting somewhere at last.

For two-plus years your ruling planet Saturn will be helping you to renew your sense of direction in life whilst reaping the rewards of past study and experience.

From the 9th, Jupiter returns to your sector of communications and education until next Spring.

So you will be getting educated and occasionally enlightened, even 'wowed' as Jupiter opens doors in your mind, showing you a wider range of options. A great time for study or teaching others. This area is connected to creative self expression, media, promotions, buying and selling, and travel. Any of these may be the vehicle you need to expand your knowledge or skills or help others improve theirs.

From the 23rd, you'll be taking your professional and personal responsibilities more seriously.

Capricorn Horoscope For September 2010

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