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Monday, February 13, 2012

Law of Attraction - The Use and Meaning of Signs from the Universe

Ever since I began studying and applying the Law of Attraction, I have always received signs from the Universe. Some are signs of encouragement or inspiration and some are signs to act upon.

Some ask if it is a lack of faith in the Universe if you ask for a sign of encouragement. The answer really depends on how you look at it, but from my point of view I believe signs are here to give us encouragement just like you would give your child praise and encouragement. Encouragement in the form of signs serves as a catalyst to do more and be more.

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Signs of encouragement or inspiration send your heart to new heights: You wonder how something is going to work out and you receive a clear sign from the Universe that it will. When I first began practicing the Law of Attraction, I was a professional costume designer. I was unsure of how I was going to make money at it, but I knew at the time that this was what I wanted to do. I kept my focus on costume designing and would look through magazines and sketch out costumes that I would love to make.

I started to specialize in the old time look of Judy Garland and Shirley Temple. I devised a plan to make children's costumes that were old fashioned; glorious fairy costumes, skunks, Little Rascals, and of course Shirley Temple. I wasn't sure what would sell well and I asked the Universe for a sign. I had to make at least twenty copies of one costume to sell at an industry show. I didn't receive what anyone would call a blatant sign telling me what to do. I stepped back and just released it into the Universe and thanked the Universe for the sign.

One day as I was picking up fabrics, I parked next to a car with the license plate that read, 'Shrlyrcks.' "Wow!" I thought to myself, "I think that is my sign!" I was so excited that this was leading me in the direction I needed to go. I went into the fabric store and the fabric needed for a Shirley Temple costume was 75% off, today only! Boom! Boom! Two signs in a row! These kinds of signs take your heart to a new level. You feel so taken care of when you have blatant signs. So I designed the costumes and sold every last one of them at the show and took many orders home with me. Just remember to expect the signs and thank the Universe in advance for the signs and the subsequent manifestation of what you have been attaining.

You can also have the kind of sign from the Universe that says, "Here's your sign! It's your time for your light to shine! Act on it!" This kind of sign can be unnerving if you aren't used to 'acting upon' something, but it's best if you do because the Universe lined up the situations and people for this moment for you to help attain the life and wants that you desire.

My husband, Lee, has had many of these in his life time. One of the early signs was when he was a young man wanting to go to sea. He would sit at the union hall for weeks on end in hopes of catching a ship. Many of the old sailors laughed up their sleeves at this young buck waiting to catch a ship. Seniority always got the ships and the newbies usually didn't. It was closing time in the union hall and everyone was leaving. It wasn't quite time to leave but it was five minutes away from the door being locked. Lee said it just hit him. He had to go to the restroom and couldn't wait. Everyone left as Lee went to the restroom before leaving. Then something in Lee whispered, "Stay right here until the very end!" Lee listened to the Universe and one minute before closing a ship came in needing crew. The man at the counter called for seniority and no one was there but Lee. The same Universal voice whispered, "Get your bags and walk up to the counter NOW!" Lee acted and he caught the ship. It was a miracle that it happened but Lee focused on his intention and acted upon the sign from the Universe. Lee listened and was aware and acted upon his sign of going to the restroom before leaving.

These are just a few examples of how signs can come to you. Be aware but not impatient when wanting a sign. Ask and then let it go and just be prepared for the moment because it will come.

If you wonder if the Universe gave you sign, this is a true moment that if you had to ask, it is a sign.

Can you ask the Universe for a sign and get one instantly? You sure can. If you feel like you want inspiration or encouragement, let the Universe know that you are going to pick up a book and ask for a sign in the passage. It doesn't matter what book. Close your eyes, ask your question, or ask for a sign, and visualize that your physical is stepping aside for a moment while your higher self or Core Being as we call it, opens the book to the sign that is for you. Point to a spot and read. You will find that there will be words that are just for you via the Universe.

Follow your signs and the Law of Attraction and you will have the life you want in no time.

Law of Attraction - The Use and Meaning of Signs from the Universe

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